An Israeli doctor says: "Medicine in my country is so advanced that we can take a kidney out of one man, put it in another, and have him looking for work in 6 weeks."
A British doctor says: "That is nothing; we can take a lung out of one person, put it in another, and have him looking for work in 4 weeks."
An American doctor says: "In my country, medicine is so advanced that we can take half a heart out of one person, put it in another, and have them both looking for work in 2 weeks."
A Canadian doctor, not to be outdone, says: "You guys are way behind...... We just took a man with NO brain, made him Prime Minister, and now the whole country is looking for work.
Hmmm I think that should be the American Doctor's brag LOL
My brother, who has lived in Canada for 40+ years, says his doctors are the biggest drug pushers in the world.
Would take a bit to beat mine right enough :)
hey you are getting me into enough trouble without taking a heart out lol
So hows your mustache?:)
I think doctors in all of those countries can make that same brag.
Too Funny ~ Now to guess which Prime Minister hehehehe
Think you got the wrong PM there Baron, should be ours!
Thanks Baron. I'll be sure to use this with all my ReformaTory friends. :)
Yipes! But hahaha funny!
Thom, I think they are all the same lol
Subrosa...well you know how Doctors are...experimenting with everyone.
Alady'sL...You're funny
Danny...you are 100% correct
TOF, Bill...I think all our PMs are the same...same shit, differemt PM
Bikerted...or the other way around.. maybe we can begin an exchange program
Canajun...Agreed...! Have fun with them
Canajun...Agreed...! Have fun with them
Jen...Thanks darling...I enjoyed your post
Good one!lol Thanks for made me laugh.
MedaM...glad to oblige...our crooked politicians are leading us all by the nose and it ain't smelling rosy
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