Friday, January 30, 2009

Ford Model T - 100 years later

Can we do this again and improve our productivity throughout the continent in order to provide jobs for everyone?


Ford - T- Assembly line


Anonymous said...

I watched the Henry Ford movie on the link you have and it is great.
Just to think that American ingenuity made the assembly line possible is mind boggling.
Alexa, WI

Lady R (Di) said...

Very interesting little clip. I love looking back into history. Thanks for sharing this link.

Ann said...

That was a very cool video! My Dad had a Model A that we went everywhere in. I can remember riding in the rumble seat in parades and throwing candy to everyone. I always wanted to ride in a T, but never got the chance.

Thanks for posting!

Baron's Life said...

Did you see how they made the wheels?

Anonymous said...

Henry's vision was way ahead of his times

Webster World said...

History nut I am. This is a good video. I always enjoy old history. Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line. He was the first to use it in the automobile business. I believe it was Colt maybe to first have an assembly line. I too saw a made for TV movie on the life of Henry Ford. It was good.

Baron's Life said...

Corrected I stand. You are probably right

Webster World said...

I brought that up because the Ford guy made it sound as if Henry did. As for yes we can, I say yes we can. Your right on that.

Baron's Life said...

Webster world,
You were 100% correct. I did some reading on it and Samuel Colt is the original inventor of an assembly line vision. Whether it was ever put into practice is not clear as he had trouble getting his enterprises "going" until some time later in his life. But the letters to his dad describing how the revolvers should be incrementally assembled by a group of people, each doing a specific task until it was all done...certainly says it all. Quite a visionary, he was.
Henry Ford's forte was actually adding a conveyor to the line.
Do you have a blog. I don't seem to be able to find it on your profile.

Webster World said...

Not yet I have to get a grandchild over here to show me how to do more than I know. I will one day. I have a lot I'd like to share.

Baron's Life said...

and so you should for I'm sure you can share a lot of knowledge on line with us.