Dear Wife,
You must realize that you are 54 years old, and I have certain needs which you are no longer able to satisfy. I am otherwise happy with you as a wife, and I sincerely hope you will not be hurt or offended to learn that by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Hilton Hotel with my 18-year-old teaching assistant. I'll be home before midnight.
Your Husband
When he arrived at the hotel, there was a faxed letter waiting for him that read as follows:
Dear Husband,
You, too, are 54 years old and by the time you receive this letter, I will be at the Sheraton Hotel with the 18-year-old pool boy. Since you are a mathematician, you will appreciate that 18 goes into 54 more times than 54 goes into 18. Therefore, don't wait up.
Very Funny
This rocks. LOL.
Sounds like his wife knows about that "new math" curriculum!
I was never good at mathematics but I got the story.
lovely... lol....
LOL! :]
HA!!! Great one!
Cute -- that's a good one!
I see that was great. Being a math student, I find it quite funny really!
Too funny!
So you say - there is long as you stay positive
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