Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Catholic church gives blessing to iPhone app

"The Chatolic Church believes in embracing new technology and this creative app will hopefully help people to make a good confession."

The Catholic Church has approved an iPhone app that helps guide worshippers through confession.

The Confession program has gone on sale through iTunes for £1.19 ($1.99).

Described as "the perfect aid for every penitent", it offers users tips and guidelines to help them with the sacrament.


A Lady's Life said...

lol oh that's funny.
Can you Imagine.
I wonder what the old Pope would have said.

Twitch said...

This would have to be the strangest thing I've read today. Don't catholics know how to confess? Isn't it taught or something? Why the hell would anyone want or need this app?

Baron's Life said...

Hi Lady...this isn't funny...you can check it on the news BBC...what else will coduct us to hell

Baron's Life said...

Twitch..this isn't a jokes...check the BBC news on line that where it is published...to me, this is blasphemy...but hey what do I know right?

Canajun said...

Apparently it also helps keep track of your sins. I can see a spike in extra iPhone memory coming.

Cat in the road said...
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Cat in the road said...

That is too funny. The sad part is that it's true. "Bless me father for I have sinned, Oh wait, I lost the signal."

Baron's Life said...

agree with here...lol

Baron's Life said...

scribe 816
forgive me father for I have sinned indeed

Wine in Thyme said...

no comment.

Baron's Life said...

I bet it made you think though