1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to as many or as few other blogs that you have newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
So I pass this award on to, and they are in no particular order:
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2. Pass the award to as many or as few other blogs that you have newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.
So I pass this award on to, and they are in no particular order:
1- Subrosa Subrosa
2- Colored Garden Colored Garden
3- Jollygoo Jollygoo
4- Follie a Deux Jen
5- My Kugel Hopf My Kugel Hopf
6- One Day in Hania One day in Hania
7- i Share i Share
8- My India My India
9- Indian Backpacker Indian Backpacker
10- My Travelogue My Travelogue
11- A Backpacker in India Backpacker in India
12- Digital Photography Digital Photography
13- Based in Villigen Based In Villigen
14- Amberday Amberday
15- Mean Donna Jean's and she's not mean at all i might add....!Lean mean Donna Jean
16- Ramblings and Musings Ramblings and Musings
17- The Old Fart Bill
18- Scunnert Scunnert
19- Jarlin Paul Jarlin Paul
20- A Brother in Sweden A Brother in Sweden
21- An Arkies Musings An Arkies Musings
22- Sorpreciso and now ?And now ?
23- Worldman Peter
24- The Peach Tart The Peach Tart
25- Heart Of a CowGirl Cowgirl
26- Poetic Ponderings Poetic Ponderings
27- Turkish Food Passion Turkish Food Passion
28- Wardog WARDOG
29- Bison Bits Bison Bits
30- Internapoli Internapoli
31- Bufford PickelberryMr. Pickle
32- Still Learning Anjie
33- Travelling Travelling
34- The road not taken The road not taken
35- Moto Photo Adventure Motophotoadventures
36- Blogtrotter GMG Blogtrotter
37- Blog Captain Murthy
38- Ellivellie Ellie
39- Photos By Senior Hiker Senior Hiker
Thank you very much for the award. THIS one will go to my sidebar. I appreciate it.
Woot...congrats and to all those you passed it on to :) Aloha
congratulations to all!!! great stuff
Thanks for the Award Baron! Your advice and comments have helped me out greatly. Keep it coming b/c I still have allot to learn about this whole blogger thing!!!
Congratulations on this award you got and thanks for passed it on to me. It will find its place in my sidebar.
Thank you so much Baron xxx.
Thanks Baron! It's on my last post and on the sidebar!!
Oh Baron, so sweet of u... Thanks dear.. :)
My Travelogue
Thank you so much for the award!
I appreciate it a lot!
Thank you darling.
Thank you and congratulations to all of our friends!
Congratulations and thank you
Thanks mate - appreciated.
thanks, and it's good to see that you have a lot of friends - makes life more meaningful
Thank you my good friend. I greatly value this Award. It is already put up on my side bar. Shall certainly pass it on to other bloggers.
Baron, THANK you so much! I hate to be the party pooper that I am. I simply cannot choose favorites...
Thank you very much!
Thank you for the award Baron,
Thank you so much for the award, Baron. I will post it in my blog.
Thanks for the award!
Thanks for awarding me. You are so kind.
oh thank you! again!
congrats ...u deserve it and thanks so much for considering me :)
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your award!!! I will cherish it forever!
Hey Baron,
Your award accepted and passed on in my blog. Check it out...
My Travelogue
Hello and thank you for thinking of me with this award.
I will get it posted on my side bar.
Appreciate much.
Nice thought!
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